Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ada de..

aq ga tau mw nulis apa..
tapi aq pengen nulis..
apa dunk yang harus q lakuin??
cuma ini yang bisa q lakuin,nulis yang q g tw apa maksudnya..
apa km tw maksudq apa??
apa km paham dgn kata2q??
g kan??
q jg g tw..
q jg g paham...


^_^ without u i go trough d'motins
its just not quiet d'same..
i dont want to go out..
i just want to say dont walk away...

^_^ we are not gonna be just a part of their game..
we aren't gonna be just the victims..
they are takin our dreams n they tear them a part till everyones the same...
